Thursday, September 27, 2012

Holy Greed

When I was a little girl kids would sing, "Lori, Lori, hallelujah." I remember that, but not who did it. Vaguely remember it being my brother, but other kids, too. Later on I had a good friend with a daughter named "Glory." That song really was about her.

Later on I thought it was a strange song, let alone hymn. Where were the lions lying down with the lambs we learned about in suday school?  How could something like that ever have a place in church? The gospel was Peace.

Recently I've gotten swept up in the "Mormon moment," alternatively the "anti-Mormon" moment, so I've been getting links and informed about a slew of historical, doctrinal and practical issues related to Mormonism. Today, though, i was just looking for information about Andy Williams, he just died, you know, and where did that search end? once again, in weird Mormon land. It started with remembering AW was friends with the Kennedys. I looked for him singing at Bobby's funeral, but apparently that wasn't recorded. There was a recording of him singing the same song he sang at the Kennedy funeral, though not from that occasion. The song was the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Given the context of Bobby's death, after his brother's, the struggles for justice and human rights they were engaged in, I can see how Andy's singing that song to Bobby's casket had a deeply personal meaning for all who were there.

Contrast this with all the other "Battle Hymn of the Republic" videos on the Tube. In fact, just google the title of the song and see what you get. Did you know that the very best version of that song on the internet is by... the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? Gosh, no, I didn't, before today. In fact, there were many different versions of them singing that song online.

Why? I can't imagine any other religion, except maybe some radical muslims, wanting to identify with.a terrible, swift sworded god. Mormon doctrine- about blood atonement.?

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