Friday, September 5, 2014

The Funniest Thing I've Ever Seen...

was the Crazy Clown Car episode of Reno 911.

In real life the funniest thing I ever saw was this:

Hanging out with the then BF up on the roof-deck, He was sitting in a director's chair. We had imbibed and were a little loopy. I walked over to the other side of the deck, turned around and lifted up the big patio umbrella so I could see him, just a weird type thing I wanted to do, thinking it would be funny or something. I had to bend down to pick it up, so the view was upside down. So I lift it up, head down and see him in the chair, his head barely reaching the top of the back.

In that short time it took me to walk across the deck he shrunk- from 5'8" to 3'4", apparently. Whaaaah?!

So I walk over and realize he's wedged in the chair; the fabric ripped and his bottom went through the bottom. I tell him (like a brilliant idea) to get up. he couldn't. So I tell him to roll forward, stand up with his feet on the floor and his rear/chair sticking out, like a waddle, then I could pull it off. well, you get the picture. He couldn't do that either. Obviously. I was literally rolling on the ground laughing. 

Then came up with a few equally preposterous ideas, some involving tipping him over onto his side. Eventually I put my foot on the chair for leverage and pulled him out. Pop.

What is it for you? The Funniest Thing?

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